So the 4 of us made a trip to Birmingham for Gina's baby shower and Mama Jo's 85th Birthday party! Gina, I need some of the shower pictures- everyone's been asking about it! I think Luke will be well-outfitted for his arrival, coming in November. We are looking forward to meeting our newest nephew!!

Here is Fletcher pictured with his newest BFF, Isabella. He loved playing with her- so much in fact, that he couldn't sleep that night!

Brian and Fletch are playing with this flashcard app- I love technology sometimes.

On top of that, we got to hang out with Papa, Kathy, and Kylie on our way out of town.

And let's not forget Kelley and Foofie driving out to visit/ walk. What a treat- miss these girls.
Thanks again, Chief and Frannie for having us- it is always a pleasure staying with y'all. (and they need special credit for dealing with a wakeful baby Saturday night- he was too wound up from all of the partying!)