Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The first trick-or-treat was a success.
Fletch finally figured out how to carry the pumpkin and put candy into it. While looking outrageously cute in the meantime.
The neighborhood gang is quite intimidating, don't you think?
What a fun time we had!! I wish you could see more of Ce-ce's wings here. They were so adorable.
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Monday, October 12, 2009

three guesses....

Can you guess what we're going to be for halloween this year? A special thank you to my neighbors, the Joneses, for letting us borrow this. You simply must see him crawl around on his hands and knees while "in character." It will make your day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mom, Jules, and Zach

Well shoot. these posts are a bit out of order, and all at once. Oh well!

Julie, Mom and, Zachary drove up for a visit awhile back. Here are a few shots from the weekend...
This is the makeshift playroom (formerly dining room). Anyone want to help us remove those burglar bars?
Zach and Eddie have a love/hate relationship. Mostly love though.
The after- breakfast clean up team.
The only picture in which mama kept her eyes open. Hooray!! Thanks for visiting us- we had fun.

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Heber Springs, AR

Isn't it lovely here? Thanks, Rob and Grace, for inviting us... And for letting us borrow baby PJ's and diapers. We, in true Brocato form, left Fletch's entire bag of stuff in Memphis. Which didn't turn out to be as bad as we thought. We just had to look at "mr. Happy" t-shirt for about 72 hours.
I loved this river cabin- it reminded me of my family's growing up!

Don't you just love the instructional finger, captured in this photo? It's really the only one in which they're all (sort-of) looking at the camera. They are good buddies- these three. All within 6 or so months of each other!
Brian, where's your happy-face t-shirt?

Not a much better snack than leftover pancakes. Fun trip, friends.
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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ellie and Hannes

Have you read Ellie's blog in Tanzania? It is amazing. And she shares some posting with her sister- they are really fun to read; . Just thought I would share this fun little find with you, mom, and whoever else is reading this.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Talk about pictures!

Frances and Gina snuck in a little photo session while Brian and I were out of town (aren't they sneaky?). What an amazing surprise!! They are so beautiful; the only problem now is picking out which ones to buy!
Check out the slideshow here.

And a couple of blog posts with the pictures attached:

( is the website)

And these are just the tip of the iceberg. I've got some big decisions to make. This last head shot of Fletch laughing just steals my heart every time I look at it. I'm pretty sure that one's going to make the cut.