Monday, March 3, 2008

Around the house...

Fletcher will be 6 weeks old tomorrow! We are getting into a groove here at the house, and mom and baby both are crying much less. Still don't quite have the sleeping thing down- I guess we'll just have to be patient. We lost the camera battery charger for the first church outing and our first ride in the jogging stroller. Oh well- maybe next time... But we did find it yesterday, so here you go.

"I like to sit on the couch as well, Eddie."

Brian sporting cool dad gear. (home early from work for once!)

The shirt says it all-


Gina Harris said...

I am going to eat him up! Yea I can't wait to see him this weekend!!!!! I am going to take lots of pictures!!

tarrsah said...

A baby not a bomb... I like that! However, when you take him out to eat at real restaurants you may think a bomb has gone off with the food in his hair, under the high chair.. in his pants...