Wednesday, June 17, 2009

HHS girls' party 2009

So this is the first time in like 5 years that I could make it to my Homewood High School friends' little gathering. I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it, but I sure am glad that I did! We missed those of you who were far away (like I usually am). I'm sure that these girls are more beautiful now, than in high school! Hillary looks like she's one of the von-trapp children, about to burst into song. :) (she's the photographer, though, so she had to slip in at the last minute).
Erin snuck away from a wedding- and we're glad she did!!
I don't know exactly what Makenzie was talking about, but I know it was funny. I like how Kelly always grabs on when she's talking/ laughing. So good to see these girls. It's like we never skipped a beat... Thanks, barb, for having us.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Scenes from a cracker barrel

We certainly enjoyed breakfast with the Spencers, Papa and Kylie, Uncle John, and Granpapa Bill! I forgot my camera this trip (very quick trip to bham), so I have to rely on B's iphone and other people's pics. Here's what I've got so far.

Ethan's starting football practice next month, so he's got a real football player haircut. I've always liked this cut on him.

Zach is always in motion- can't even catch him with a camera. These kiddos are getting so big. What a pretty little smile, miss Kylie.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Breakfast with Eddie

As you can see, there is a constant presence with Fletcher at meals.  
Fletch gets waffles on the weekends.  He'll eat anything with syrup on it.  I think he's pretty happy about it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Easter, the beach, church retreat...

These are from a month or so ago- at our church retreat. Fletch loves wide open spaces.
And his mama.

hanging out with dad

He looks tired here. I think Easter wore him out. But at least he was lookin' sharp!
My friends at the beach. (the only one of all 5 of us because I was taking all the pics). What a fun weekend of uninterrupted conversation and lots of laughing. If only you knew what was discussed! Well, what happens at the Beach Club...
Also, Fletch said to tell Chief and Frannie thanks for keeping him. I think he misses you a little.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So I finally got this little SD card drive that I can upload pictures with- the old one broke, and it took us forever to order another one.  So hopefully, we'll have a few more pics to keep you updated.  Since I'm thinking mostly, mama, you are my  main audience- I should just address you directly.  So here you go, mom-  this is Fletch at our friends' house, with their dog Gus, whom he adores.
This is Fletch just being cute, playing with his daddy's scrubs.  I've got to go to BED, but I promise more pics later!
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