Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rooster Spacket

If only  you could have seen how obsessed Fletch was with the Easter bunny.  He kept trying to sneak in on other children's pictures.  Another fun fact, there is already a chocolate residue on his face- he found out very early that there were "treasures" inside the eggs.  I guess I never realized how easter clothes and chocolate make a bad combination.  Fletch also make sure he had his "rooster spacket" in each picture with the bunny.  Also, he didn't ever want to talk to the bunny- he just liked to back in next to him and pose for pictures, regardless if we were shooting at the moment.  Even if other kids were getting their pictures made with him:

1 comment:

Emily T. Holcombe said...

Paul and I cannot stop laughing at rooster spacket, and the joyful face he has on while backing into another kids moment with the big bunny! xo