Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Around the house again...

Since it's been so hot, this has been where we spend a lot of time. At home. So here's some documentation of this oh so exciting time of the year. (actually it's let up a bit this week, so I shouldn't complain.)

Fletch lookin' cool, contemplating bathtime and showing off his guns. I really love his hair.
Officer Brocato, you are quite intimidating with your badge strapped to your head like that, and with the fancy "collar" on your one-piece romper.


Gina Harris said...

ok, now I am REALLY excited to see him!! He is so big!!

Erin Stephenson said...

Oh my golly, I thought the same thing about his "collar". Hilar.

Emily T. Holcombe said...

That boy just keeps getting cuter and cuter......especially when covered in a thin layer of drool.

Christy said...

too cute! He's growing so fast!