Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I know, this just isn't the same without pictures. But just to update all 10 of you blog readers, Fletcher had a fantastic first Christmas, and we enjoyed spending time with him, and with family and friends in birmingham. He tore into his presents and played really hard. I think his favorite gifts were the push toys, balls, and blocks. This is probably the last christmas that a $1 gift will be exciting! I don't know if this link will work, but a picture to hold you over...

I always feel a little sad that we don't get to see everyone when we visit, but I'm starting to get over that and try to enjoy those that we do see. We got to visit with Thorington's, Brocato's, Rosato's, Gaines, Peerson's, Tedrows/ Holcombes, Haralsons, and Cordells. Can you tell that we were pretty busy? Munger and I just couldn't get our acts together, but it was not for lack of trying.

Here is a shot of the Brocato's all decked out for Christmas!

Thanks for the lovely accomodations Chief and Franny!

We are so thankful for our families, especially this time of year. Thanks for making time for us this week...

Monday, December 15, 2008

technical difficulties

Apologize for the lack of picture posting- we have been having technical difficulties, and I'm afraid that we are officially computer shopping since the old laptop refuses to turn on. No worries, though. We will be back and posting pictures again (mostly of Fletcher of course- he's the cutest in the family currently), in no time at all!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

She's in her early thirties

Mary turned 30 this week. Here are some pictures. We had a great time at dinner with people we love being with. There were men at the party, we just don't photograph well.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Future doctor?

Seriously fletch, you're going to make the other kids feel bad. He does like to play with this book.
Fletcher's first sick day. How pitiful. This little head was on my shoulder the whole day.
Trick or Treat! The little red dragon recovered nicely.

This was Fletcher's baptism weekend, too! Thanks to everyone for coming to support us and Fletcher. It was a very special day for us.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's been a good year and a half.

That is partly because we've had such great neighbors to make us feel at home in a new city, and with a new baby. Today I drove home for the first time with a home to the right that is empty. We are so sad that our first real neighbors, Katie, Daniel, and Aubrey have moved. It has been a wonderful year of talking on the porch or over the shrubs, swapping babysitting, eating each other's brownies (although I made out on that deal), and watching our babies (and bellies) grow. (and then shrink again). I am so sad not to see little Aubrey sitting on my swing when I get home in the afternoon, really! Thanks for being good friends and neighbors. Although you're not moving to Kansas or anything, it won't be the same without y'all on Sheridan street for sure.

This is our (almost) daily routine of swatting the bugs and catching up on the day's events.
walking when they were so itty bitty.
the swings at the playground down the street! I wish Fletch were old enough to remember how fun it was to have Aubrey as a neighbor. We will miss y'all...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

long time no pics.

There has been a bit of a blog hiatus, due to the fact that the primary blog poster is lazy (that's me). We have some great pictures to share, from a few events- I just have to post them in stages, so here's the first installment. From the beach with Jeff and Eliko! We miss y'all already-Thanks for a wonderful week... (you can click on their link to the right if you're really interested in seeing more pictures, mom).Umm, the pool is like my favorite place in the world.
Anyone recognize this fantastic pizza place in the heart of downtown Auburn? Welcome to the South, Jakers. (the one with the awesome hairdo).
Jake Kai is part man- part fish. He is very serious in all of the pool pics because he is trying to submerge himself completely, against his mother's wishes. Also, I thought you should get some Brocato blog-exposure, Eliko.

PS, Papa turned 60 this week, and chief turned 56 so give them a hard time if you see them around. HB Papa and Chief!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

very busy

This little fella is very busy around the house. Not doing anything in particular- just being cute. Don't have any major events to post, but just to keep you updated on this very quickly growing little boy, here are a few pictures. (I think he looks like my sister in this one.)

really loves the bath more than life itself.
It's hard to capture all of Fletcher's looks. But for some reason, this very close picture gets this expression that we see all-the-time. It means "i'm very serious and excited about playing with whatever I'm looking at right now." We are really enjoying this age; just the sweetest little guy you will ever meet...

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Game day, and 5K

War Eagle! (a little late). Franny and Chief were in town for Fletcher's first Auburn game day! Too bad he was at home in bed while Brian and I watched at a friend's house. Fletch was proud to wear the ole orange and blue anyway. Thanks for the good babysittin!
And a shout out to my running coach, Chief- I promise I won't swear at you next time...
Fletch's first 5K. Actually, Fletch didn't run this one. He and Foofie (chrissie), cheered me and Andrew along. Andrew was my running buddy, although he and Rob (noteworthy effort, pushing a double stroller), really pulled ahead in the last mile. Brian made it for the after party. Fun to see 3/8 of the white house and company together. Imagine the size of this group with all of the kiddos and husbands now! Can you see baby cordell made the picture? Little Bo Thompson is in the stroller facing mom and dad. Miller and Fletch are becoming fast friends.
I love free stuff. I guess it comes with the registration fee, but it still makes me happy to get tshirts and goody bags.
We love having visitors in Memphis- it makes us feel special. Can't wait for baby foofie cordell to make the trip!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

sittin' up in my PJ's...

still topples over, but getting better at this every day. Fletch is moving up a class at school next week, so he's "visiting" this week. He has already participated in music time, and playground stuff, so this sitting business is going to be very important! I guess monkey bars are next in line. I have actually heard that there is an ice cream day in which the kids are stripped down to their diapers and given an ice cream cone and they get to just go at it- where do I sign up? I guess the adults should probably keep their clothes on, though. Fun with static...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Two things...

Click here for an interesting article about crime, poverty, and people in Memphis. There's so much to learn about this place. It is interesting to see the perspectives of poor Memphians in this article, and also, the plight of our crime fighters. It is an uphill battle, apparently.

Secondly, this website is a friend of a friend's, who has started a fund to benefit kids, parents, and employees of the ICU (either PICU or NICU, not sure) at LeBonheur, in honor of their baby boy that they lost last year, Forrest. I think I may get off of my couch to run this 5K. (If Brian's off, that is, so that he can watch the baby while Eddie and I run/walk). I don't think I can run that far with Fletch yet. Anyway, it's a good cause, and I was so touched by their story- as his parents went through his hospitalization and death while I was still pregnant with Fletcher, I followed their story closely and was really pulling for little Forrest all along. It's funny how you can feel connected to other moms without really knowing them very well at all!

Around Memphis

(the zoo) Marco Polo, with an Italian baby face. (Fletch was too interested in the pole that held up the board, to really give this picture one hundred percent.)
(rhodes pool) As Shea put it, these people make life more fun.
I am afraid he's growing out of this beautiful jumper that Klari gave him, so I'm taking some pictures of this sweet boy, just in case.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Brian!

Brian's 31, and he's not thrilled about getting older as he keeps working toward his "real job." But I am proud of his patience and dedication in this crazy world of medicine. I actually think we'll be sad when this residency, etc. is over (whenever that may be!). Anyway, babe, happy birthday- You should be proud of all that you've accomplished at this age! (PS, I think we were like 21 in this picture- aren't we cute?)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Funny expressions

I think I taste a dash of rosemary.
A second helping you say?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

applesauce and peas

Brian's favorite thing to photograph is Fletch eating- we have hundreds and hundreds just like this one. Unfortunately, he takes after his mom's eating style. Messy, that is. Check out the hair- it is very hard to manage. And very handsome at the same time. And really long, according to Franny and Katie. Foofie, please do not get mad at me for keeping the Bumbo up on the counter- Fletch was attended at all times.

This just in.. Emmett Paul Holcombe is here! 7lbs, 1 oz, around 10:30 last night (july 30th)! Emily and family are doing great. Ava Belle is scheduled to meet her little brother this morning. Welcome little friend! Check out their photo site (link on the right). Such a cutie pie.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guess who....

is six months old today?! Some pictures to follow later (I'm at work now). Just thought I'd mention it!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fletch's friends...

Brian and I are finallly starting to feel settled here in Memphis. A big part of that are the people we've convinced to hang out with us. Seriously, we are already finding ourselves wondering if we'll end up here in the long run because of the really nice folks here. Not to mention, Fletch's girlfriend Gracie is here.And his life coach Claude, who one day will teach him to eat like a big boy, and do brave things like jump off of the big diving board in strawberry shortcake swimmies.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

View from the sand

Had a wonderful week of laying on the beach and eating and visiting with family and friends. It's killing us that we can't see everyone when we come through birmingham. But we appreciate the time that we DO have, and we just assume we'll get to see everyone eventually. Thanks for the last minute visits we're always cooking up.

Brian doing his magic here.

It's always sad when vacation is over- we miss y'all too!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

First father's day

So Brian has been working these CRAZY hours in this last rotation- I think he logged like 104 last week. So that will explain the video. This was yesterday after his 28 hour shift. (He fell asleep in a record 10 seconds). So we're excited to have him "back" today, and we (Fletch and I) are so proud of his hard work.

And I thought I'd share Brian's forte's as a father: 1) powdering the baby(I really can't do it as well) 2)dressing him like a grown-up Brian 3)eating while holding the baby 4)putting Fletch to sleep at night 5)getting the "cheese" out of his chubby neck folds!
We love you- happy father's day! Happy father's day to Papa and Chief and Grandpapa Bill and Grandpapa Fletch too- we miss you!

(sorry about the terrible lighting)

Friday, June 6, 2008

tell us about your day

Fletch's first day of school- and my first day back to work. Lots to discuss at the dinner table... And I forgot to mention our 7 year anniversary! It was a good day-

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Visitors from Bham and St. Louis

Ava Belle and Emily stopped by on their way back home to St. Louis. Sweet Ava Belle practiced being a big sister with little Fletcher. Emily is the busiest mom-to-be we have ever seen... Must be why she looks so good!
Can't wait to meet little Emmett Holcombe. We always enjoy seeing the holcombes- sure do miss that Paul, though!

Papa came last week(there are more pictures, but they are stored in Papa's camera, and he apparently can't figure out a good way to send them to me ). In the mean time, note in this picture that the baby shirt isn't on yet. You see, it has to go BEFORE the pants when you're snapping things. That's why it took quite awhile to get dressed this day. Anyway, we had a great time eating out and going to the zoo too (very close to our house). The monkeys practically kissed us, they were so close. Shame we don't have those pictures yet.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Gina, Frankie, and Chief

Thanks for coming to visit last week, and for a great day at the zoo. Always nice to have some company during the day.
Frankie, thanks for riding all the way up to Memphis to see the zoo with us!

I love Gigi!

handsome little fella.

Monday, May 5, 2008

(deciding to actually use the blog to share some thoughts here). One of the best things about Fletcher, is how he makes other people happy- Seriously, I am like a celebrity at the grocery store (without all of the personal questions, Kelley), and when we go out to eat, too. People just come up to us and start talking, and Fletcher will inevitably flash one of those famous grins, and I swear it makes people laugh, and carry on conversations with him. One lady last week had a whole conversation, in which she told me afterwards, that Fletcher told her to enroll in a beauty pageant. A total stranger! Anyway, I really love for him to spend time with our friends and families- it is a total unexpected bonus of parenthood to see him so loved and appreciated by you-
I think he makes Eddie happy too. He guards him while he eats and sleeps sometimes. Fletch is just waking up here.

Monday, April 28, 2008

singin' on the couch-

starting to find his voice-

wearing little man clothes-We sure are going to miss this age when it's gone- he's so sweet.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Burke and the Haralsons-

So Todd, Burke, and Karen made it to Memphis this past weekend. It was like the good ole days hanging around the house, minus the Auburn football and Rotel (maybe next time). This is the morning after the boys ate a big dinner and drove around memphis in a 1982 Lincoln limousine with rims.

Me and Karen after an evening of eating girly food and watching "you've got mail". I am sporting my favorite T-shirt (if you know me, you know my feelings about Kanakuk).

Little Fletch was worn out after all of the socializing. He and Karen really hit it off- lots of big smiles for the pretty girls...So much fun- we miss you guys a lot!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Naked baby

Fletcher is showing off how strong he is. He's twelve weeks now, and starting to laugh. But the worst part is that no one has witnessed it except me (mom). Oh well, I guess it will be our little thing for now. Looking forward to seeing Karen, Todd, and Burke this weekend! Happy Anniversary Brian and Gina!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring is here!

My view from the front porch- I'm excited that the azaleas have finally bloomed. Brian wants to dig them out because they're so large, but I will be sad when they're gone. I know they're only pink one time a year, but they're so nice for this week or two! He's probably right that we need something smaller, so here are a few pictures in memory of the 40-50 year old azalea bushes.

Looking out from the front porch swing-
Thanks Chief and Franny, for taking the pictures (and for mom and dad's first night out).

These days, we love to go out to eat. Brice got Fletch to sleep while Katie, Brian, and I were eating Thai food. It saved us from getting the evil eye from the table next door. Seriously, he whined for like 30 seconds, and people get upset about that?